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Members of Tellers without Borders e.V.

Naceur-Charles Aceval

is a very spe­cial sto­ry­teller. Born in a nomadic tent in Alge­ria and grow­ing up there dur­ing the Alger­ian War, he has now lived in Ger­many for more than 30 years. He is at home in three cul­tures, Alger­ian, French and Ger­man. His warm voice builds a bridge from the Maghreb to Ger­many and France. His diverse sto­ry­telling – in Ger­man, French and the Ara­bic dialect of his home­land– has his own very par­tic­u­lar charm and humour. In 2015 in Pales­tine, togeth­er with Micaela Sauber, Roana Falken­berg and Hel­ga Petri, he told sto­ries in schools, cul­tur­al insti­tutes and at the Goethe Insti­tute. He is a mem­ber of Tellers with­out Border.

➔ aceval.net

Silvia Angel

is a pas­sion­ate teller of sto­ries that inspire, encour­age and bring pos­i­tive impuls­es to her lis­ten­ers. She tells in small the­atres, con­fer­ences, fes­ti­vals, muse­ums and in pub­lic spaces. She also pass­es on her expe­ri­ence in inter­ac­tive and prac­ti­cal work­shops and sem­i­nars, e.g. for social work stu­dents at the Munich Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences.
Sil­via Angel trained as a sto­ry­teller in 2011-12 at the Inter­na­tion­al School of Sto­ry­telling in Eng­land. Lat­er she com­plet­ed fur­ther train­ing in sto­ry­telling in busi­ness at the Uni­ver­si­ty of the Media in Stuttgart.
Sil­via Angel has been with Tellers with­out Bor­ders since 2017. In 2019 she orga­nized a char­i­ty event with oth­ers for Tellers with­out Bor­ders in Munich.
If you have any ques­tions or are inter­est­ed in her newslet­ter, please send an e‑mail to: silvia.angel@web.de

➔ linkedin.com/in/silvia-angel


Martin Bernhard

has always told sto­ries. Since ear­ly child­hood, he has loved to open fan­tas­tic spaces through the spo­ken word. He also uses sto­ries to cre­ate close­ness and build bridges in his work with trau­ma­tized chil­dren as a spe­cial needs teacher.

Div­ing into the world of sto­ries enables him to empathize with impor­tant themes such as love, close­ness, care, farewell, grief or death. As a pro­tag­o­nist, men­tor or magi­cian, we remain able to review and eval­u­ate the his­to­ry of our lives.

Mar­tin Bern­hard worked as a jug­gler and musi­cian on var­i­ous stages for fif­teen years. In 2017 he com­plet­ed his train­ing as a sto­ry­teller at the “Gold­mund Nar­ra­tive Acad­e­my” in Munich. He loves the inten­si­ty of sto­ry­telling so much that he also offers work­shops and cours­es in the field of ped­a­gogy and ther­a­py, par­tic­u­lar­ly for trainees and stu­dents at var­i­ous academies.

In 2018, he found­ed the ensem­ble “Fab­u­laris Mun­di” with oth­er sto­ry­tellers from Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzer­land who unite and com­ple­ment each other.

His sto­ries accom­pa­ny him on his trav­els across Europe, by the camp­fire and wher­ev­er peo­ple like to meet. 
Mar­tin always tells trag­ic and fun­ny sto­ries with his own sense of humour, open­ing up the fan­ta­sy, the bright eyes and the hearts of the listeners. 

➔ fabularismundi.de

Emina Čabaravdić-Kamber

was born in 1947 in Kakanj (Yugoslavia, today Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina). She is a free­lance writer and painter.
Kam­ber was the only one of eleven sib­lings to leave her home­land – in 1968 at the age of 20. Since then she has lived in Ham­burg. She is a mem­ber of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Ger­man Writ­ers in Ham­burg, a mem­ber of the Ger­man P.E.N. , Mem­ber of the Exile P.E.N., in the “Authors Asso­ci­a­tion Ham­burg” and in the Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Jour­nal­ists “For­eign and For­eign Press” in Ham­burg. Kam­ber found­ed the Inter­na­tion­al Lit­er­a­ture Club “La Bohem­i­na” in 1988. She has been work­ing as a VHS-lec­tur­er in exile lit­er­a­ture & art in Ham­burg, Lübeck, Mün­ster and Bosnia since 1992. Mul­ti­lin­gual pub­li­ca­tions have appeared in books, antholo­gies as well as on the CD “Emi­na” with SEVDAH – Bosn­ian love songs and lyric recita­tions. Kam­ber received the inter­na­tion­al poet­ry prize “Alber­to Karpino” Naples/Italy in 1989. Numer­ous oth­er awards fol­lowed. Kam­ber leads EU youth projects in the fields of lit­er­a­ture, art and the­atre at the Edmund Siemers Foun­da­tion. Her work with Euro­pean youth cov­ers the top­ics of inter­na­tion­al under­stand­ing, inte­gra­tion, lan­guages.
In 1996 she was award­ed the Medal of Mer­it of the Fed­er­al Repub­lic of Ger­many for her lit­er­ary work on peace and the end­ing of the war in her native Bosnia. In 2008 she was giv­en an award for her life’s work by the pub­lish­ing house “Das Bosn­ian Wort” at the Book Fair in Sarajevo.

➔ login-computers.de/Emina%20Kamber/kunst.html

Johanna Gerosch

stud­ied act­ing at the Ham­burg State The­atre Acad­e­my and the­atre ped­a­gogy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts in Berlin.
In 2018, she won the young tal­ent award at the Gute Stube Nar­ra­tive Fes­ti­val. Since then has been telling sto­ries – mod­ern, tra­di­tion­al, per­son­al – for peo­ple of all ages through­out Ger­many, on stage or in their own homes. What mat­ters is the need for sto­ries because sto­ries have the pow­er to move peo­ple – and peo­ple can change the world.

➔ johannagerosch.de

Katharina Lange

comes from a fam­i­ly where sto­ries were always told. She also heard many sto­ries of all kinds at school. All this spoke to her vivid imag­i­na­tion from the very begin­ning. When in 2002 she took the course “Sto­ry­telling as a Heal­ing Art” with Nan­cy Mel­lon and Ash­ley Rams­den at Emer­son Col­lege, Inter­na­tion­al School of Sto­ry­telling, she imme­di­ate­ly had the feel­ing of hav­ing arrived at home. In 2012 she com­plet­ed her train­ing as a fairy tale sto­ry­teller at the “Gold­mund-Nar­ra­tive Acad­e­my” in Munich. From 2014 to 2016, she con­tin­ued her edu­ca­tion in the field of “Artis­tic Sto­ry­telling — Sto­ry­telling in Art and Edu­ca­tion” as a nar­ra­tive artist in Berlin at the Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts. She lives in Ham­burg and Lon­don and is a mem­ber of Tellers with­out Bor­ders e.V.

Yifat Maor-Tanuschev

was born in 1972 in Hamadya, a kib­butz in north­ern Israel. Actress and pup­peteer, play­wright and direc­tor, pri­ma­ry school and kinder­garten teacher and teacher of ear­ly musi­cal edu­ca­tion. After study­ing at the School of Visu­al The­atre Jerusalem and the David Yellin Col­lege of Edu­ca­tion, post­grad­u­ate stud­ies at the Acad­e­my of Dra­mat­ic Arts “Ernst Busch” Berlin in the Depart­ment of Pup­petry. Direc­tion, stag­ing and par­tic­i­pa­tion in numer­ous the­atre pro­duc­tions and inter­na­tion­al guest pieces, among them the play “Days Of Shdun­na“
Mem­ber of Tellers with­out Bor­ders, Nar­ra­tive Art e.V. Berlin and in the Asso­ci­a­tion of Nar­ra­tors VEE.

➔ yifatmaor.de

John Rogers

is a native Eng­lish­man who has lived near the Broth­ers-Grimm town of Stein­au in Hesse since 2007. After study­ing music and act­ing, he worked in the­atre in the UK dur­ing the 1980s. At the begin­ning of the 90s he dis­cov­ered sto­ry­telling in Wales. He now tells sto­ries in both Ger­man and Eng­lish, wher­ev­er peo­ple still appre­ci­ate a freely-told tale: in schools and libraries, a Frank­furt tram, cas­tles, at con­fer­ences and in retire­ment homes. In 2018 he was the first win­ner of the Niederzwehren Sto­ry­telling Com­pe­ti­tion (in Ger­man). When the social and pro­fes­sion­al cri­sis erupt­ed in 2020, he launched two dig­i­tal projects togeth­er with tellers from dif­fer­ent coun­tries in order to over­come the new ‘dig­i­tal fron­tiers’: “INS NETZ GEGANGEN” (since August 2020 as a YouTube livestream: http://geschichtennacht.de) and the “Euro­pean Sto­ry­tellers Col­lec­tive” – first project “7 x 7 Sto­ries”.
Mem­ber of Tellers with­out Bor­ders, and Ver­band der Erzäh­lerin­nen und Erzäh­ler VEE.

➔ toldingermany.de
➔ geschichtennacht.de
➔ storyflix.org

Micaela Sauber

was born in Ahrens­burg near Ham­burg in 1945, dur­ing the last bomb alert of the war. Her first school report in 1951 said: “Micaela digs around, packs her bag, chat­ters and walks off. M. can tell well.” She was a sec­re­tary at the Ger­man Press Agency, jour­nal­ist at STERN mag­a­zine. She turned her life upside down in 1979 by com­plet­ing a ped­a­gog­i­cal train­ing based on Wal­dorf ped­a­gogy and anthro­pos­o­phy, then study­ing at the the­o­log­i­cal uni­ver­si­ty of applied sci­ences of the Chris­t­ian Com­mu­ni­ty in Stuttgart. Since 1985 she has devot­ed her­self to the art of sto­ry­telling, the field of folk tales and large epics such as Parzi­val and Kale­vala. She made her pas­sion her pro­fes­sion in the ear­ly 1990s and found­ed the Fairy­tale Forum Ham­burg e. V. (www.maerchenforum-hamburg.de). Micaela Sauber is the founder of the Tellers with­out Bor­ders net­work, and a VEE-cer­ti­fied pro­fes­sion­al storyteller.

➔ micaela-sauber.de
➔ erzaehlerverband.org

Karin Tscholl

has been a full-time sto­ry­teller for adults since 1995. She has made numer­ous appear­ances in four­teen coun­tries, pub­lished sev­en fairy­tale books and two sto­ry cal­en­dars. Her main focus: fairy tales about war and peace. Since 2010 as Frau Wolle, Karin Tscholl has been vol­un­teer­ing sev­er­al times a year in a retire­ment home for peo­ple with demen­tia. Karin Tscholl is a found­ing mem­ber of Tellers with­out Bor­ders and a mem­ber of the inter­na­tion­al network.

➔ frauwolle.at
➔ facebook.com/frau.wollekarintscholl

Arna Vogel

has told at Berlin pri­ma­ry schools since 2015. Every week she inspires about 200 to 300 chil­dren with tra­di­tion­al fairy tales and sto­ries. Nar­ra­tive events and nar­ra­tive projects in health resorts, shel­ters for refugees, nurs­ing homes and libraries are also part of her pro­gramme. She loves to con­nect with peo­ple of dif­fer­ent back­grounds and ages, to cre­ate com­mu­ni­ty and to res­ur­rect old knowl­edge in the sto­ries. She received her train­ing in 2013/14 at the UdK Berlin, fol­low­ing an ear­li­er the­atre ped­a­gog­i­cal train­ing at SPI Berlin. Pri­or to that, she stud­ied the­atre stud­ies and worked as a the­atre dra­maturge and radio play direc­tor.
She is also a mem­ber of Nar­ra­tive Art e.V. Berlin and the Asso­ci­a­tion of Sto­ry­tellers (VEE).

➔ erzaehlkunst.com/mitglieder/arna-vogel/



Sabine Wandelt — Voigt

Sto­ry­telling The­atre Sabine Wan­delt & Fre­unde, announc­er / Breath­ing Ther­a­pist / Ther­a­peu­tic Eury­th­mist.
After three years of per­ma­nent the­atre employ­ment, in 1987 she decid­ed to become a free­lancer. As a eury­th­mist in hos­pi­tal kitchens and tex­tile fac­to­ries, peo­ple trust­ed her with her sto­ries. The sto­ry­telling the­atre Sabine Wan­delt & Fre­unde was found­ed in 2000. Since 2010, she has col­lab­o­rat­ed with the accor­dion vir­tu­oso Ivan Sen­tyshchev in coop­er­a­tion with Stuttgart and Karl­sruhe job cen­tres in projects with the long-term unem­ployed. From their life sto­ries indi­vid­u­al­ly true hero sto­ries were devel­oped, played and per­formed by the whole group. After the projects, most of the unem­ployed man­aged to get out of the Hartz IV con­di­tions. Teach­ing assign­ments at the uni­ver­si­ties of Tübin­gen and Stuttgart give the oppor­tu­ni­ty to approach sto­ry­telling with stu­dents.
From 2010, projects with Spo­ken Arts stu­dents at the Hmdk Stuttgart. Since 2017 she has worked in pri­ma­ry schools dur­ing the school hol­i­days in social flash­points, set­ting up a fairy­tale tent for a week. The aim is to draw the chil­dren into sto­ry­telling through fairy tales and sto­ries, to main­tain the space for them find their own joy of speak­ing.
Sabine Wan­delt Voigt has been a mem­ber of Tellers with­out Bor­ders e. V. since Octo­ber 2020.

Margarete Wenzel

is a free­lance philoso­pher (Dr.in phil.), fairy tale and sto­ry­teller, sto­ry­telling expert, work­shop and sem­i­nar leader. She has con­ceived and car­ried out sev­er­al of her own projects, includ­ing a sto­ry­telling project with refugee women. For Tellers with­out Bor­ders, she has ini­ti­at­ed a col­lec­tion of true sto­ries told out of expe­ri­ences with sto­ry­telling and pub­lished them togeth­er with Micaela Sauber in a book (Im Auge des Sturms, Erza­ehlver­lag 2019). She is a mem­ber of Tellers with­out Bor­ders, a mem­ber of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Ger­man-speak­ing Sto­ry­tellers (VEE) and chair­woman of the Asso­ci­a­tion Nar­rARE, Vienna.

➔ storytelling-wien.at
➔ von-mund-zu-ohr.at
➔ maerchenakademie-wien.at

Britta C. Wilmsmeier

has been telling sto­ries and fairy tales pro­fes­sion­al­ly since 2006 – in Lon­don, through­out Ger­many and inter­na­tion­al­ly. She research­es var­i­ous nar­ra­tive for­mats for her per­for­mances or engage­ments with foun­da­tions such as the DKB Foun­da­tion. She is also active in var­i­ous long-term sto­ry­telling projects in schools and pro­vides fur­ther train­ing at home and abroad.
In her Applied Sto­ry­telling work­shops, she works with chil­dren, ado­les­cents and adults, as well as refugees at home and abroad. The devel­op­ment and sus­tain­abil­i­ty of these projects are based on her wide expe­ri­ence and qual­i­fi­ca­tions, and bear fruit through coop­er­a­tion with oth­er col­leagues and net­works.
She is a found­ing mem­ber of Tellers with­out Bor­ders, of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Ger­man-speak­ing Sto­ry­tellers (VEE), is a board mem­ber of Nar­ra­tive Art and Tellers with­out Bor­ders and a mem­ber of the Fed­er­a­tion for Euro­pean Sto­ry­telling.
Brit­ta C. Wilmsmeier stud­ied Eng­lish, Ger­man and Cul­tur­al Stud­ies in Leipzig and Leices­ter, UK. While look­ing for ways to apply her train­ing, she met sto­ry­tellers in Eng­land – and from then on knew what she had to do.

➔ mindthestory.com

Network across Borders

Neben Micaela Sauber, Brit­ta Wilmsmeier und Katha­ri­na Lange, die Mit­glieder des deutschsprachi­gen Net­zw­erkes und Vere­ins Erzäh­ler ohne Gren­zen e.V. sind:

Dorothee Greve

has been inter­est­ed in fairy tales from all over the world ever since she can remem­ber. Being tak­en to live in Nige­ria, Thai­land and the USA as a young child, she heard, saw and felt quite a bit of it. This trig­gered her long­ing to under­stand what is beyond the vis­i­ble and strict­ly mate­r­i­al. With the dis­cov­ery of Sufi lit­er­a­ture and dervish tales 20 years ago, she start­ed to seek con­scious­ly some under­stand­ing of the more sub­tle and fin­er ener­gies work­ing for and on us. She regards active sto­ry­telling as an impor­tant tool in this seek­ing. She is a mem­ber of Tellers with­out Bor­ders (inter­na­tion­al) core group. Dorothee Greve will present the wis­dom of Sufi stories.

Jasna Held

(Dubrovnik, Croa­t­ia): has been work­ing as a sto­ry­teller since 1994 in schools, kinder­gartens, orphan’s homes, homes for old peo­ple, places for hand­i­caped peo­ple, hos­pi­tal, clubs, the­atres, pubs, book stores… She has also worked and per­formed in Aus­tria, Switzer­land, Nether­land, Germany,


Alexander Mackenzie

is a sto­ry­teller, and Mas­ter of Fine Arts.
Areas of Exper­tise: Spon­ta­neous Sto­ry­telling – Bio­graph­i­cal Sto­ry­telling – Sto­ry­telling in Busi­ness – Therapeutic/Healing Sto­ry­telling.
Experience/Education: DipEd Edu­ca­tion (1991) Qual­i­fied Wal­dorf class Teacher – Founder of Uni­corn School of Sto­ry­telling for adults (1992–1995 – direc­tor of Spon­ta­neous sto­ry­telling for nation­al Soci­ety for Sto­ry­telling (1993–1995) – Made a nation­al Win­ston Churchill Fel­low for research into the con­tem­po­rary sig­nif­i­cance of abo­rig­i­nal sto­ry­telling – Sto­ry­telling Tutor at Ruskin Mill col­lege (1991–2008) – sto­ry­telling in Con­sul­tan­cy skills and change man­age­ment post – Sto­ry­telling con­sul­tant to Cran­field Post Grad­u­ate Busi­ness. His pic­ture book „Hum­bert Bear likes to doze has been trans­lat­ed by Tellers with­out Bor­ders into Croa­t­ian, Span­ish and Ger­man and pub­lished as dona­tions to chil­dren hos­pices.
Alexan­der lives in Edin­burgh with his wife Kris­tine and youngest son Fin­bar. He is coach­ing Tellers with­out Bor­ders core group in ist social and organ­i­sa­tion­al development.

Gauri Raje

is an anthro­pol­o­gist and sto­ry­teller who works in the UK and India with adults and vul­ner­a­ble groups espe­cial­ly asy­lum-seek­ers, refugees and migrant groups. She per­forms reg­u­lar­ly in the U.K, India and Europe. Her per­for­mance projects include direct­ing ‘East of the Sun, West of the Moon’ a col­lec­tion of sto­ries for adults from around the world trans­lat­ed and told in 3 dif­fer­ent Indi­an lan­guages, ‘Bad­lands’, a sto­ry­telling of folk sto­ries of the land and rivers of cen­tral India and ‘Tales of Exile and Sanc­tu­ary’, sto­ries from around the world explor­ing themes of exile. She ran an Arts Coun­cil fund­ed bio­graph­i­cal sto­ry­telling evening series in Birm­ing­ham (UK) for migrants called ‘Long Jour­ney Home: True Life Migrant Tales’ in 2016. She is cur­rent­ly work­ing with bio­graph­i­cal and tra­di­tion­al sto­ries of South Asian migrants to the West of Scot­land with AwazFM, a South Asian radio sta­tion in Glas­gow. She is a mem­ber of the Tellers with­out Bor­ders (inter­na­tion­al) Core group.

➔ facebook.com/gaurirajestorytelling

Ifor Rhys

Raised on the cliffs of Corn­wall Ifor devel­oped a nat­ur­al inter­est in the mag­i­cal and poten­tial of mag­i­cal trans­for­ma­tion. His inter­est in Sufi and dervish sto­ries began when he was about 18 fol­low­ing an intro­duc­tion to the writ­ing of Idries Shah. He has not looked back since and par­tic­u­lar­ly looks for sto­ries which open paths to greater under­stand­ing for us which enhance our poten­tial and devel­op per­cep­tion and under­stand­ing. He is a mem­ber of Tellers with­out Bor­ders (inter­na­tion­al) core group.



Maria Serrano

(Finland/Spain) is a mul­ti­lin­gual pro­fes­sion­al sto­ry­teller, chair­per­son of ALBA­SuomiFin­land (in the Nordic Alliance for Heal­ing Sto­ry­telling) and an active mem­ber of Tellers With­out Border’s (inter­na­tion­al) core group.
She per­forms in Swedish, Span­ish and Eng­lish. Her reper­toire includes traditional‑, true-life- and impro­vised sto­ries, the lat­ter at which she’s par­tic­u­lar­ly com­fort­able and adept. As a sto­ry­teller she has main­ly trained in South Africa with the Inter­na­tion­al School of Sto­ry­telling. She per­forms in a vari­ety of set­tings ‑from schools and libraries to stages and streets, in sev­er­al coun­tries. Because of her back­ground she has a pas­sion for cre­at­ing spaces where dif­fer­ent cul­tures can meet.
María was born in 1967 to a Span­ish pho­tog­ra­ph­er and a Swedish-speak­ing actress from Fin­land. Reared in Spain and Fin­land, she also trav­elled all over Europe (East and West) and North Africa as a child. She grew up among the com­mu­ni­ty of
Chilean refugees and is cur­rent­ly work­ing with new­ly arrived refugees in her com­mu­ni­ty in Fin­land. María has also worked exten­sive­ly as a con­fer­ence inter­preter and trained as a class teacher. She is mar­ried and a moth­er of four. Maria is mem­ber of the Inter­na­tion­al Core Group of Tellers with­out Borders.

Further members of the network

Mar­tin Ell­rodt
➔ ellrodt.de

Maria Mag­dale­na González

Soo­gi Kang
➔ theater-salpuri.de
➔ soogi-kang.de

Mohammed Kelo

Jes­per la Cour
➔ thetellingtheatre.com

Dirk Nowakows­ki<
➔ nowakowski-erzaehler.de

Hamid Saneiy

Supporting members


Peter Amsler

is a teacher and edu­ca­tor. In 2018 he found­ed Erzäh­lver­lag, a Berlin pub­lish­ing house
whose teach­ing mate­ri­als and books for free oral sto­ry­telling sup­port the aims of Tellers with­out Bor­ders. In 2019 Erzäh­lver­lag pub­lished the anthol­o­gy In the Eye of the Storm:. Key Sto­ries of Tellers with­out Bor­ders”, edit­ed by Mar­garete Wen­zel and Micaela Sauber. 

➔ erzaehlverlag.de

Nikolaus Kolja Kolleth

➔ maerchenwirkstatt.de


Tamara Spitzing

was born in Ham­burg and grew up hear­ing fairy tales and sto­ries from her great-grand­moth­er, grand­moth­er and moth­er. She stud­ied archae­ol­o­gy and then became a trainee jour­nal­ist at SWR. As a doc­u­men­tary film­mak­er, she tells sto­ries in words and images. This pro­fes­sion has brought her into con­tact on many jour­neys with a wide vari­ety of peo­ple and their tra­di­tions. A few years ago she returned to the orig­i­nal form of sto­ry­telling and trained at the Dorn­rosen fairy­tale cen­tre and took impro the­atre cours­es at the Stern­taler fairy-tale cen­tre. Since then, there has been noth­ing more won­der­ful for her than the direct per­son­al con­nec­tion of storytelling.

➔ tamaraspitzing.de

We mourn the loss of three wonderful people, members of our network and storytellers Brendan Nolan, Ivanir Sibylla Hasson and Helga Petri:

Brendan Nolan

Bren­dan was a sto­ry­teller and author from Dublin. To our great sor­row he depart­ed this world on 24th Feb­ru­ary 2018. Our mem­o­ries of him and his sto­ries live on when we tell them. As a mem­ber of the inter­na­tion­al core-group which forms the heart of Tellers with­out Bor­ders, his wide expe­ri­ence as a sto­ry­teller, jour­nal­ist, author and mem­ber of var­i­ous gov­ern­ing bod­ies was a great encour­age­ment and sup­port.
Some of the sto­ries in our book „Im Auge des Sturms“ we owe to the Tellers with­out Bor­ders Inter­na­tion­al newslet­ter, which Bren­dan pub­lished three times a year. His last book is a col­lec­tion of Irish love sto­ries from the oral tradition.


Ivanir Sibylla Hasson

was a pro­fes­sion­al per­form­ing artist for 30 years. On 7th Novem­ber 2020, our dear Ivanir Sibyl­la Has­son had a severe stroke in the morn­ing and passed the thresh­old. Ivanir, a love­ly sto­ry­teller, clown and children’s cir­cus teacher had been a mem­ber of Tellers with­out Bor­ders Inter­na­tion­al since its found­ing in 2015 dur­ing a con­fer­ence about sto­ry­telling and refugees in Ham­burg. She was an extra­or­di­nar­i­ly fair and skilled sup­port­er and col­league.
From 2005 she had been deep­en­ing in the field of Sto­ry­telling as a Heal­ing Art. She was hold­ing work­shops about heal­ing and recon­nec­tive Sto­ry­telling inter­na­tion­al­ly. Since 2010 she had been work­ing with asy­lum seek­ers in recep­tion cen­ters all over Nor­way with sto­ry­telling, the­atre, clown­ing and cir­cus schools. As the leader of the Heal­ing Sto­ry Alliance, Nordic ALBA Nor­way, she has arranged two inter­na­tion­al Sym­po­siums on Sto­ry­telling as a Heal­ing Art; The Way Of The Heart 2012, and Sto­ries in The Wild 2016. She was also a core mem­ber of the Euro­pean Sto­ry­telling Peace Coun­cil and Tellers with­out Bor­ders Inter­na­tion­al.
Thank you dear Ivanir for your faith­ful companionship!

Helga Petri

Hel­ga was a Swabi­an sto­ry­teller, per­form­ing since 1998. On 6th Decem­ber 2020 Hel­ga left this world.
It was on St. Nicholas Day, so fit­ting to our Hel­ga, who her­self made no big deal of all she gave. She was a found­ing mem­ber of our asso­ci­a­tion, served as a com­mit­tee mem­ber since 2016 and whole­heart­ed­ly sup­port­ed all devel­op­ments with her gen­eros­i­ty. Togeth­er with Micaela Sauber, she told in Pales­tin­ian schools and the Goethe Insti­tute in the West Bank. A year lat­er she returned there with Micaela, Charles Ace­val and Roana Falken­berg.
Hel­ga was a pro­found­ly sup­port­ive and wise woman of great integri­ty. She had her own par­tic­u­lar way of telling, and of lis­ten­ing when one spoke to her.
Although she fought a long bat­tle with her health, she was always cheer­ful. In Octo­ber 2020 she attend­ed our gen­er­al meet­ing, where she hand­ed over her com­mit­tee oblig­a­tions. There, as so often, she delight­ed us with a tale told in dialect: so refresh­ing, so wit­ty and with such a play­ful look – that was our Helga.